Dec 13, 2023

Understanding BDSM: Frequently Asked Questions Unveiled

by DLS Team

Albertini Luna

1. What does BDSM stand for?

BDSM represents a range of sexual activities that fall under the same category, with each letter symbolizing multiple elements.

B for Bondage: Expect the inclusion of bondage in BDSM, which involves tying someone up or being tied up. Typically, submissives are bound by dominants who have complete control over which parts of the body are restrained. Start with simple items like neckties or scarves before progressing to more intense restraints like handcuffs.

D for Discipline and Dominance: Discipline refers to the dominant partner’s control and the use of rewards and punishments. Good behaviour is rewarded, while disobedience may result in consequences. Dominance plays a pivotal role in BDSM, as the dominant partner assumes control.

S for Submissive: The submissive partner is the one being disciplined and follows the dominant’s lead.

M for Masochism: Where pleasure is derived from experiencing or inflicting pain.

2. My partner and I are both Beginners on BDSM, What kind of things do I need to practice it?

If you and your partner are both beginners in BDSM, there’s no need to worry about amassing a collection of sex toys before diving in. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need an elaborate playroom like Christian Grey’s. Soft BDSM can be enjoyed using everyday items such as neckties, scarves, belts, or even ice. You don’t have to spend a fortune initially.

Once you become more comfortable with soft BDSM and discover your preferences, you can gradually introduce beginner friendly BDSM sex toys.

3. What’s the difference between “kink” and “fetish”?

Kink: Kinks refer to sexual concepts that diverge from conventional “vanilla” sex. They are alternative ways to add excitement to the bedroom, encompassing a range of sexual interests such as BDSM, roleplaying, outdoor sex, and impact play. Engaging in kinky activities is not always necessary for sexual gratification.

Fetish: A fetish involves objects or situations that trigger sexual arousal. These objects are typically unrelated to conventional sexual stimuli, such as shoes, feet, or leather. People with specific fetishes often require particular objects to experience pleasure and reach climax.

4. How do I figure out which status role I’m best suited for?

Determining whether you are best suited for a dominant, submissive, or switch role is a process of trial and error. Engaging in various BDSM practices is necessary to gain clarity about your preferences. As beginners, it’s natural to spend time figuring out your preferred roles, so don’t rush the process.

5. How can I make my partner engage in BDSM?

The first step in involving your partner in BDSM is open communication. If they are unfamiliar with BDSM, provide them with relevant information, such as books, videos, and blogs. Be patient and encourage them to ask questions.

However, if your partner is uninterested, it’s crucial not to force them. Consent from both parties is essential for engaging in BDSM activities.

6. What are soft and hard limits?

In the world of BDSM, discussing limits is essential. Limits refer to the activities or actions that either the submissive or dominant partner is not comfortable with during BDSM play.

Soft limits: These are activities that may not be preferred at the moment but could be explored in the future.

Hard limits: Hard limits are absolute boundaries that should never be crossed during soft BDSM play. There is no room for negotiation or compromise with hard limits.

Discussing limits with your partner before engaging in any kink helps prevent conflicts during play and ensures everyone’s boundaries are respected.

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7. What are ‘safewords’?

To prevent unintended harm during BDSM sessions, establishing safewords is crucial. Safewords allow the submissive or dominant to pause the play if the activity or pain becomes overwhelming.

Open communication is paramount in BDSM, making the use of a safeword essential. Choose random words that are not sexually related, such as “goat,” “mellow,” or “flintstones.” Alternatively, opt for signal cues like the word “red” to indicate an immediate stop.

8. Do I have to have sex with someone to play with them?

While most couples who explore BDSM have engaged in traditional sexual activities, it is not a prerequisite. If you find yourself engaging in soft BDSM activities with a friend or simply prefer not to engage in sex, it is perfectly acceptable. Clear communication with your play partner is essential to ensure that both parties are on the same page and consent to the activities involved.

9. What if normal sex is boring forever after I try this stuff and I don’t want to have sex anymore?

When venturing into new experiences, particularly within the realm of sexuality, it’s natural to become fully absorbed and feel as though you can never go back to your previous ways. However, novelty eventually wears off, and individuals often find themselves seeking out new experiences or rediscovering old pleasures.

While indulging in frisky bondage activities may temporarily make vanilla sex seem less exciting, it doesn’t mean you’ll never enjoy it again. Over time, your desires and preferences may evolve, and you might find yourself craving different experiences, including simple and intimate encounters.


Consent should always be the foremost priority in any sexual encounter, including BDSM. BDSM activities revolve around power dynamics, but it is crucial to respect your partner’s comfort levels. Establishing a safeword ensures a safe and consensual experience. Additionally, practicing safe sex and prioritizing your sexual health are essential aspects of engaging in BDSM. Now that you have this beginner’s guide to soft BDSM, remember to embrace and enjoy the journey while prioritizing the well-being and satisfaction of all participants.

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